This list has been created to inform creatives of suspicious or fraudulent organizations that may seek to rip off creatives or take advantage of their skills. When we become aware of such organizations we will add them here and let you make your own judgement whether to interact with them or not. If you are aware of organizations that should be included please drop us an email and we'll look into them and add warnings as we feel are necessary.
The threat level designates how threatening we feel the organization is.
Red - Extremely threatening
Yellow - Use caution
Organization: NFT Sales Through Any NFT Brokers, or Sales Groups
Threat Level: Yellow
Synopsis: With the recent rise of NFT's, artists are constantly bombarded with groups and companies claiming to support and help with their NFT sales. We always warn artists to be particularly warry of any art gallery that asks for money up front. We are now extending this blanket warning to any NFT oriented organization which does the same. We see little difference between a gallery and an NFT organization which wants to double dip by charging both the buying customer and the artist a fee. These organizations, if they are well run, will already have a buyers list which matches your particular type of art. It is there job to sell your art in any form and take compensation in the form of a percentage of the sales. Charging the artist in any way or form is unethical. Artists should steer clear of them. Keep in mind that small maintenance fees are excluded from this in the NFT world. Its not uncommon for NFT front organizations to charge a small fee per each listing.
But when that fee exceeds a normal maintenance cost, there is a problem. The rise of organizations just out to bilk the artist is here. More and more organizations think they can charge large sums. Your art is valuable. Do not sell it in exchange for dreams of one of your pieces selling for millions of dollars. Do not let an organization tell you that its worth you spending a few measly hundred dollars in order to get such a vast sum back. Don't gamble with your art. This is a whole new world. Its the wild west all over again for artists participating in the NFT game. There ARE thieves and bandits out there. Protect the investment in the art you create.
Organization: NFT Crypto Sales (All platforms)
Threat Level: Yellow
Synopsis: This one has no solution and you may not even be aware of it happening. Since the emergence of NFT's and artists selling the crypto-rights to their work, there has been an emerging threat. Specifically that of scammers going out, doing a screen save of other peoples work and then selling the NFT rights as their own. I've been leery of NFT's since it began a few years ago. I do not think there are enough safe guards put into the system. In the case of having your work stolen, there is little you as an artist can do right now. There are no protections and little ways you can appeal someone stealing the work and selling it. Once its out there, its out there.
I can give you very few ways to protect yourself. If it happens, it happens. But I would suggest that when you create something that you take the steps to photo document the piece of art as its created. By simply using your phone to take a photo of the creation at every step, you now show a proof that its yours and not someone the property of someone else. If in the future there is a way to dispute a claim that another owns your art, you can then present all the documentary evidence that you created the work yourself. The more photos you take, the more protections you give yourself later. Sadly I have no other advice to offer except to beware this threat. Because it will get worse, before it gets better.
Organization: Instagram Hacking Scam
Threat Level: Red
Synopsis: There is currently a group of hackers that are a big threat on instagram. Unlike previous hack attempts, where they post a bogus link for you to click on. This one has actual hackers responding to you. Say you get a request from a friend to please check out a link and you respond by saying "is this a hack?" This time you'll get a response back that makes you think your talking to the friend. They will respond to you as if they are answering your question and even hold a complete conversation with you. DO NOT BE TAKEN IN. If you ever have any concerns that the person is not real, ask for independent verification through an independent source which is off the instagram network. In my case I asked for them to confirm with a text to my phone. When they wouldn't do it, it tipped me off that this was a total fraud. I've had it confirmed that this scam is being particularly targeted towards artists. Multiple artists have lost their instagram accounts to this particularly insidious threat. NEVER click on a link of any kind unless you have verified that the person is really who you think it is.
Organization: New Orleans Award Program (Fill in any city name)
Threat Level: Red
Synopsis: This is a total scam. You receive and email that says that you have been selected as the winner of the category "Artist" for your city. On further investigation you find that there is no cost for this (which I guess is to lull you into thinking its legitimate) but that you must pay for the cost of the award itself. Mind you that there is nowhere on their web page that tells you ahead of time how much this wonderful honor will cost you.
When you look on their website under "Winners" you see a bunch of legitimate businesses all around the country that have been bestowed with this honor. Businesses that I suspect don't even know their names are being used.
When I researched beyond the website they provided me with, I found that the name is so generic that you can't even find anything out there about them. If they are running this scam in other cities (which is apparent) you can't find anything for them either. Note below that the website address is tailored to the person they are attempting to rip off. There is no way to be able to track them past this.
This is strictly a vanity prize. It in no ways validates you as an artist and in no way helps your career or business. It is no different than if you went to a local trophy shop and ordered yourself a trophy that said "great artist!' on it.
Sidenote: I did use the "Contact Us" form on their website to inform them that they were being added to this list and we would warn as many artists and creatives that we could about this scam.
Definitely steer clear of this one.
Websites associated with this organization:
Threat Level: Yellow
Synopsis: This is a strange one. An artist colleague asked us to check this art site out and see if they were legitimate. There were a lot of red flags with this one that make us suggest that you proceed with caution when interacting with them.
The first red flag was in how they approached the artist. When they query an artist to be part of a show there seems to be no artist vetting whatsoever. Always remember that an arts organization, gallery, etc that is interested in showing your work will take the time to vet you. They will know about your work and will ask you questions about your available inventory, mediums of use, background and history as an artist. They will not just approach you online and say "Want to be in an art show." This should be suspect right from the start.
The second red flag was the digital footprint of the owners of the organization. Art Gallery owners, whether online or located in an actual building will have a digital footprint online that shows something of their background. A red flag comes up when we can find very little to know information online regarding the owners. In this case there was very little information that they hadn't created themselves.
The third red flag was the organizations location in Naples Italy. When I run the address I found no business at that address but a photo that looks to me like their location is in an apartment complex. Now don't get me wrong here. A lot of good arts organizations can be based in a home location. My own organization is that way. But, taking all things into consideration, it does raise a red flag as to the organizations longevity and professionalism. Their website makes them seem a lot larger and flashier than an organization run out of an apartment. There is always a bit of exaggeration found online, but when that could harm the artist then we take notice.
The last red flag was the location of their next show, which is at the Hoxton253 gallery in London. A search of this location shows that it is not owned by but by an independent artist who shows his work in his own gallery. Now this by itself is not unusual because sometimes art organizations rent out space in galleries for their shows. But I can find no evidence that has done any other artists shows anyplace else. There is no past history of shows, advertising or anything else that shows a track record for hosting shows in the past. As well there is no evidence that the Hoxton253 gallery regularly hosts shows for other artists. There is just evidence for the artist who owns the location.
Sidenote: We may be wrong on this one. There is no evidence of fraud towards artists in the past. But there are enough red flags to make us suggest that you proceed with caution when interacting with this organization. If you get any information either good or bad about this group please let us know and we will adjust our recommendations accordingly.
Organization: Clap Clap Hands Art Studio
Threat Level: Yellow
Synopsis: We are not really sure what to make of this. The organization claims to represent a certain Chinese artist who would like help in promoting the his work. There are many Chinese scam groups who try to hyper-inflate art work in order to make huge profits on it. We do not know if this is one of them. What we do know is after several emails back and forth where no offers were made to buy the artists work, the group suddenly ceased all emails and their website went blank. After 8 weeks we emailed them once again and told them flat out that their organization seemed like a scam of some kind and we were going to report them. In response they claimed they were traveling for the 8 weeks and not responding to emails. What business does not respond to emails for 8 weeks? Something is not right with this group and we suggest extreme caution if approached at any time by Chinese art investors of any kind. Check them out thoroughly!
Sidenote: We will update this synopsis if we receive any further information.
Websites Associated with this Organization:
Organization: JaamZIN Art Magazine
Threat Level: RED
Synopsis: This organization claims to conduct interviews with experienced artists "for a fee". They spam users on social networks a cute little ad that makes it look like its such a great thing to be interviewed by them and how much it will benefit you "for a fee". No reputable organization will EVER charge you for an interview. These are scams which benefit the artist in no way or form. Beware any Twitter handle which uses variations of the organization name.
Sidenote: I've had to report and block at least a dozen Twitter accounts for spamming this organization. Please report them if they approach you.
Websites Associated with this Organization:
If anyone has been taken in by this organization we'd like to hear from you.
Threat Level: YELLOW
Synopsis: We are not really sure whats going on with this account. All we know is that there are hundreds of accounts across social media that all seem to lead back to one artist calling themselves Ksavera. When one of these accounts follows you, they will unfollow you within days of the time you follow them back. This has been going on for years and the fact that it seems to be some kind of scam, I would not trust anything related to a Ksavera account.
Sidenote: We no longer follow anyone with the word Ksavera in their profile or name.
Websites Associated with this Organization: Too many to list
Organization: It's Liquid Group
Threat Level: RED
Synopsis: This organization targets artists through email by informing them that they have been selected to participate in a high profile art show. On first glance an artist can be taken in quickly by this scam thinking that their skills have finally been noticed and excitement ensues. The excitement ends abruptly when the artist is informed that there is a fee involved in submitting work to their organization. Some of the warning signs of a scam include misspellings in their emails, impossible to meet submission dates and odd wordings that seem elusive and purposely misleading.
Any organization which offers you a spot in a major show without referencing specific pieces of your work that they are interested in is an automatic warning sign. No respectful arts organization charges you an up front fee to even be considered part of their show. Always check out offers carefully before ever responding. Any organization that talks up past shows, especially shows with high profile names or in high profile cities, without proof of the success of those shows is merely a front to make the artist think they are bigger than they really are.
Sidenote: A simple web search of this organization resulted in dozens of complaints about them and their owner, who seems to want to threaten that he will sue if the complaints are not removed. Don't be fooled by this guy, he's a fraud. Any organization which is purported to be huge would not have its owner responding personally with threats.
If anyone has been taken in by this organization we'd like to hear from you.
Websites Associated with this Organization:
Organization: RAW Natural Artists
Threat Level: YELLOW
Synopsis: RAW as a concept is actually a good one. Where the concept breaks down is in ticket sales. RAW requires its artists to sell 20 tickets each in order to participate. If they don't then the artists are required to provide the cost of those 20 tickets out of their own pockets. What results is a packed house for each show, but packed with people who are not buyers and are loyal only to the artist they bought the ticket from. The end result is that there are very few sales or art, if any.
This organization will send you an email or notification telling you how great your work is and what a great opportunity RAW is. Again, if the organization does not tell you specifically about your own work and why they think it would fit their show, a warning flag should go up.
RAW holds monthly shows in most major cities and they make a big deal about the benefits artists get for being a part of those shows. Sadly the benefits are far less than artists are lead to believe.
Sidenote: I was a RAW artists several years ago and came away very disappointed. I've attended some of their shows since then in order to see if my assumptions were wrong. If anything the organization seems to have gotten worse, not better in the intervening years. I will continue to periodically check them out to see if their system has changed or gotten better or worse.
Websites Associated with this Organization:
Most cities have their own website that links back to this site.
If anyone has been taken in by this organization we'd like to hear from you.
Organization: Imagekind
Threat Level: Red
Synopsis: We don't even know whats going on with this organization. It was set up to provide a quality website for photographers and artists who want their work printed. They included multiple options for printing needs. If you go to their site, they will look valid and everything seems to be great. But the organization seems to be gone. There have been no new posts on the site for years and no new updates of any kind. Its very strange because people can still sign up for their site and to all appearances can still order on the site. But we wouldn't suggest doing so since there is no guarantee you or your customers will ever get their prints. Its like someone walked away one day and left the door open to the house. Its just plain creepy and a shame because their work really was well produced. We'd really like more info on this if anyone has it. We're clueless as to whats going on.
Websites Associated with this Organization:
If anyone has been taken in by this organization we'd like to hear from you.
Organization: BluDomain
Threat Level: Red
Synopsis: This website hosting company has major tech problems. Their lack of organization and insensitivity to customers have caused many content producers to lose everything they've put on their websites. Unless you want to risk a major meltdown of your website, this is one organization that you should definitely steer clear of.
Websites Associated with this Organization:
Thank you for posting the warning about It's Liquid. They rep did cite an artwork of mine that she particularly liked. The website says there is a fee, but not how much. You are right that I shouldn't have to pay to be part of this exhibition. I think I'll explore more places in the US before even considering being part of a Venice art fair.
ReplyDeleteThey just targeted me as well . Glad I checked them
they just targeted me. not sure if it was twitter or instagram -- jaamzin mag.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this scum shit. You saved me some nerves! Just been targeted by ITSLIQUID GROUP & ANIMA MUNDI FESTIVAL: Marianna Iaccarino and BEWARE, they're active right now!!!
ReplyDeleteMe too!! For ANIMA MUNDI festival.
DeleteSofia Rastelli
Project Coordinator
Arch. Luca Curci
mobile: +39.3387574098
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33
70122 Bari (Italy)
Calle Larga San Marco, 374
30124 Venezia (Italy)
Just been targeted by them so they are still active. They demand impossibly short delivery dates and don't specify their charges. They say they have a gallery in Piazza San Marco, I doubt this. Their rep indicated what works they liked on my website, so they are clearly trawling the internet looking for potential victims. Nasty types.
DeleteReceived invitation on 3/15/2022:
DeleteI'm Benedetta Reale, Project Coordinator of ITSLIQUID Group. We have visited your website and we are very interested in showing your artworks during the next exhibition:
ANIMA MUNDI 2022 - RITUALS Venice International Art Fair an exhibition of photography, painting, video art, installation/sculpture and performance art, that will be held in Venice, at ITSLIQUID ART SPACE - Venice Grand Canal, at Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello and in other prestigious venues from April 07 to April 29, 2022. Extended deadline for applications is March 20, 2022 (11.59 PM of your local time)
ANIMA MUNDI consists of other 2 events: CONSCIOUSNESS and VISIONS.
- CONSCIOUSNESS from May 12 to June 03, 2022 at THE ROOM Contemporary Art Space, from May 13 to June 03, 2022, at Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello and from May 14 to June 03, 2022 at ITSLIQUID ART SPACE - Venice Grand Canal.
Deadline for applications is April 17, 2022 (11.59 PM of your local time)
- VISIONS from June 16 to July 06, 2022 at THE ROOM Contemporary Art Space, from June 17 to July 06, 2022, at Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello and from June 18 to July 06, 2022 at ITSLIQUID ART SPACE - Venice Grand Canal.
Deadline for applications is May 29, 2022 (11.59 PM of your local time)
Artists are free to take part in one or more events. Entry fees for multiple participations and special projects can be discussed with the organization. Feel free to contact us to receive a dedicated quotation and special fee for your participation.
To confirm your participation please:
- read terms and conditions on the official website of ANIMA MUNDI
- send us a proposal about the artworks you would like to present (with names, dimensions, technique - you may show as many works as you want, including existing and new ones)
The application proposal is completely free. If selected, there is a participation fee related to the number and dimensions of the artworks selected. The fee covers the venues’ renting, the global and local press office, the design and the printing of invitation cards, posters, the realization of the exhibition website and dedicated articles, mounting, dismounting and packaging service, opening organization and ceremony, hostess service and collaborators during the whole festival, a printed catalogue that will include all the participants.
All artists, architects and designers interested in taking part in our shows are free to be sponsored and supported by institutions, organizations, private sponsors and their delegates; the logos of their sponsors will be included in all the communication (digital and printed) of the events. If you are planning to visit our location, contact us by email at or by phone at +39.3387574098
Additionally, don't miss the opportunity to take part in one of our online contests like:
ARTIST OF THE YEAR 2022 - Deadline: March 31, 2022
ARTIST OF THE MONTH - MARCH 2022. Deadline: March 31, 2022
PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE MONTH - MARCH 2022. Deadline: March 31, 2022
If you are planning your solo exhibition in Venice, Rome, London, and Barcelona and you are searching for the best location to present your artworks, we will help you in every single detail, starting from the mounting and dismounting, packaging, storage, and logistic assistance, to pr and marketing support, design and printing of invitation cards, posters and catalogue, press office, social media marketing, opening ceremony. For more information contact us at
Looking forward to hearing your response, we are at your disposal to provide you with more detailed information.
Best regards,
Benedetta Reale
Project Coordinator
Arch. Luca Curci
mobile: +39.3387574098
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33
70122 Bari (Italy)
Calle Larga San Marco, 374
30124 Venezia (Italy)
Yes, I just got an email from an ITSLIQUID rep and they referenced two online portfolios of my work from my website, so they're getting a bit more savvy about appealing to an artist's specific work. I was skeptical and decided to google them, which led me to this page. Thank you for this resource!
DeleteThey mentioned two of my pieces and misspelled one.
DeleteThey mentioned 2 of my pieces also from my website using direct links to my website. Their website is impressive but there is no actual details anywhere showing costs. I'm thankful for your website. It sounded too good to be true. Would love to hear from someone who has actually used them.
DeleteITSLIQUID sent me several messages through my portfolio site. Venice Biannual, blah blah blah. I never responded since the concept seems far fetched. If they were serious, well, they are not. Don’t even engage with them!
DeleteHave you checked into the Pancakes and Booze art shows? A few people have told me I should submit, but it seems like a scam to me.
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you for this list.
We've not received any complaints about Pancakes & Booze. But their model seems very similar to the RAW model, so I am skeptical about them. At the rate of speed they are putting up shows around the United States is a clear indicator that they do not have the artists best interests in mind. So I'd approach them with caution. If we get complaints, we will definitely post about them here.
DeleteI have participated in Pancakes and Booze - it is very legit. They don’t charge for your first two pieces, don’t charge any commission on sales and it’s only $15 for each additional piece that you may want to hang (not required)
DeletePancakes and booze is real. I’ve participated in the one in Austin and have met the founder. It’s genuine and just really fun :)
DeleteJust lost $200 with pancakes and booze in atl. I usually do pretty well at markets, this is definitely not my first rodeo. Did not sell a single item. $100 for ticket, $23 for my helper, $25 each for our parking, and $25 for a drink for each of us. Scam, no artists there made money and most were furious/ in tears by the end of the night. Awful company, do not give them your hard earned money.
DeleteITSLIQUIDGROUP. I've been trying to get rid of their emails. Keep coming in my junk mail.. Beware of this piece of scam.
ReplyDeleteIt seems impossible to unsubscribe to their scammy emails.
DeleteITSLIQUIDGROUP - ANIMA MUNDI festival in venice
ReplyDeletebe aware!
they select you for exposition or performance (in my case) and they ask you for document and festival fee for exposition.
This a all great info. Thank you
ReplyDelete2018 places festival it’s liquid group.
ReplyDeletesuddenly there were very high storage fees after the end of the exhibition until shipment.
I left my small artwork there as a present for luca’s assistant,there was no way I could have pay this.
I was a bit naiv and frightened back than,today I would have reacted differently.
beside the storage fee did they show your work like they said they would, and have an opening and a catalogue? How much did they charge you to exhibit?
DeleteTHANKS SO MUCH! So many scams out there its sad.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the heads up about itsliquid group!
ReplyDeleteI recently came across Boomer Gallery (seems legit) but they charge 165 pounds to cover things like food, security, flyers (things I feel the gallery should cover not the artist). They say it’s because they only charge a 15% sale fee. Just curious if you /or anyone had heard anything about them because the setup seems similarly sketchy to me as itsliquid group.
I don't know anything about the Boomer Gallery but if they are charging you up front then there is a problem. In the writing industry its called a Vanity Press, where you are charged for all the services just so you can say your book is published. Some art galleries do the same by charging you for everything just so you can say "I'm in a gallery" A reputable gallery will never charge you up front for services. They make their money from the sale itself. I'd be happy to look into it further for you if you'd like.
Hi, I've got the same thing with Boomer Gallery and am really suspicious. They've said yes to my submission (I was really pleased) and immediately they invoiced for £165. Just wondering about their credibility. I just don't have that sort of cash so am sadly probably going to have to decline.
DeleteI've also been 'accepted' into the Boomer Gallery group show. I cannot find any feedback from previous artists exhibitions on their instagram or website which makes me suspicious... They hang and show the work for 1 week, free drinks at the opening night and take 15% commission but charge £165 for taking part? I guess it's cheaper than an art fair but no idea who is on their mailing list...
DeleteId be interested to know if there’s any update on boomer gallery.
DeleteI received the invitation for one of the primes of Boomer Gallery. I filled the form, but before to send I think in check it the gallery on Internet. I already start with the Google Maps if the gallery exists. Apparently not. In a strange door without any information. I tried on Internet and I found this forum. Amazing. I not send and avoid to pay 35 pounds in the form. Tks!
DeleteHi, I exhibited at Boomer recently thought why not as my dad had been offered, even though I had my suspicions. Their prints were terrible quality- they could have said we need higher res photos if that was an issue but overall the paper was nice but the images were dark and not bright like the originals before printing. The frames were not great, it was full of people just there for the free drinks. So packed with drunk people hard to speak to anyone. The guy working there seemed nice when I dropped off my work but definitely not making any sales with the set up they have, making money off the artists. Some submissions seemed questionable and did not really fit the theme. Vanity gallery all around.
DeleteHow come I did not find this page yesterday as I googled Boomer. It's too late for me now, as I already paid. But I cannot even attend the show. my works will be printed and framed...But if you say low quality and that was last year? Can one still cancel and get a refund?
DeleteIts doubtful you can get a refund. Most just give up after having nothing but grief with them. Don't send them any art. You will not get it back from them either.
DeleteJust exhibited at Boomer Gallery. Could not attend so requested print and frame. The frames were awful but print quality was ok..I did send high res images. The size option is limiting.
DeleteWent to collect the prints and had a problem actually locating the gallery. Eventually found it..small insignificant sign on a door. Had to walk up several stairs to reach ‘loft’ area of building.. very.badly stained dirty carpeting which doesn’t give a good impression at all. The gallery looked a bit dark and uninviting to be honest. Possibly the opening night is mostly attended by participating artists. I don’t see how the art is easily viewable by the public unless specifically looking online.. Tried to start a conversation with Constantin who seems to be ‘in charge’ but he walked off when I was in mid sentence?!
I would never use this gallery again. Very disappointed with the setup. Paid £189 but not worth it in my opinion. Had a look at the other art and did not match the theme either!
I just exhibited at the Boomer gallery. Could not attend so asked for frame and print. Frames are poor quality although prints were ok. I did send high res images.
DeleteWent to collect the prints and had difficulty finding the location. Eventually insignificant sign on a door.. walk up stairway to top of like area..very dirty stained carpets on stairs which is not encouraging. The gallery area looked dull. I tried to have a conversation with someone who seemed to be ‘in charge’ but he walked off mid sentence! I thought he was rude.
I imagine that the only opportunity to possibly sell anything will be on the opening launch night but saying that I think this event will be full of the other artists participating. Looking at the other art submitted it did not look like the a majority of the art matched the theme.
I would not participate in anything hosted by this gallery again. Paid £189!
I also exhibited at Boomer recently, and had not been there before or I didnt know enough about the gallery before participating, and it was a big dissapointment. The gallery is very small, on the top floor and all the artwork was so poorly hung, squshed in together with no thought behind anything. No work was made justice as it was so squashed together with no space in between each work. There were poorly made name/title tags of the work all cut out really wonky on a normal paper looking super unprofessional as if it was made in a rush, and just put up wonky squshed in between the work . On the opening night it was so packed with people that you could hardly see the work at all. The extra walls they put in the rooms to hang work on, was so unstable that they almost fell when people tried to move in the room. It felt extremely unprofessional and felt like the guy in charge was happy as long as he recieved the money from the fee from the artists.. Unfortunately lost £189 in the fee..
DeleteThank you!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMuchÃsimas gracias por la información, evidentemente its Liquid esta activo a dia de hoy. Boomer también, pague 9 libras el mes pasado. También deciros que cientos de concursos, exposiciones, galerias cobran un "feed" por adelantado. No se hasta que punto es ético. Gracias por vuestra labor informativa.
ReplyDeleteHey, ITSLIQUID just contacted me including links for works on my website (which may sound convincing) asking for what you have mentioned..
ReplyDeletemy question is how factual is your review, can you share some links if that is safe for you? I'll make my search too.. thanks for warning!
DeleteCame across an announcement for "It's Liquid"<
Sent in description of my work and got a very enthusiastic response. Actually my work was a perfect fit in concept.
The wording suggested that I rush my acceptance to them as they had so many applicants waiting for the opportunity to participate. Smelled fishy. Looked them up , and came upon "Immortal Artist" Thank you. Passed on your website to a list-serve of 150 member artists. Many thanks for your service
Just had Jaamzin creative contact me and offer three free works to show and the tempting and low price of $40.00 to place over 20 works and an interview so immediately checked here! Well done and thankyou! Their website does look authentic with lots of artists but no mention of fees etc. One wonders if the artists shown have chosen the "free three works" arrangement offered? Or why the authorities have not been persuaded to have this site removed as a SCAM? Cannot see what they may gain by offering to show three free works, IF they actually do, except tempt in those to pay $40.00 ?
ReplyDeleteIn addition to my previous comment on it is very hard to know what to believe as they certainly do seem to have many genuine articles on artists online plus this website states they are fine!?
ReplyDeleteI got an email invite just this week, I asked what the fee amount was and which works they were interested in. Their response is below and they gave no clear answer. I am sure at some degree if you have the money and can afford this type of opportunity it could open the door for other shows or publicity. But it is such a scheme and so disappointing that they are luring artists in like this. Just adds to the bad taste of the art world.
ReplyDelete"Thank you for your email to Miss Soruklu. I'm Giulia Tassi, Project Manager of ITSLIQUID GROUP and I'm going to give you all the information you need.
You can send us your proposal with all the details related also to the dimensions; you can present all the works you like according to the theme of the exhibition. The Director chose among the works proposed and we create an entry fee dedicated to you.
The participation fee is related to the number and dimensions of the artworks selected; so if you will send me all the details of the works you want to participate with, I will be more than glad to set up the best entry fee for you!"
I have been scammed by itsliquid group. And they are refusing to refund my money. I desperately need help!
ReplyDeleteI'm not really sure there is anything you can do short of hiring a lawyer and even then international law may complicate matters depending on what your country you are in. The best thing you can do is exact a little revenge by writing up your experience and all of the details about it so that others can learn from it. I am willing to post it on my site if you'd like or those of anyone else who would like to contribute their personal experiences.
ReplyDeleteHi! I need professional advice. I'm a young artist and want to participate in exhibitions abroad, I sent a submission to a Boomer gallery and it was successful, they selected one artwork, I'm so surprised, didn't expect this, sent only because the submission is free, but now I need to think about the payment, I know that exists so many scam and Vanity galleries. Artists please, give me your opinion, is this gallery normal? It deserves to participate and pay money?
ReplyDeleteWhile the Boomer Gallery is not on my list, I've heard rumors about their bad practices so I did a quick check on them. The address listed on their website is not for the gallery. Its for a space called E.1 Studios which rents space to people, usually to use as mail drop locations or short term office rentals. This looks to be a Vanity Gallery and that means that you are being scammed. Anything which requires the artist to pay in order to be in their space is not a legitimate business. I'd definitely be cautious of this one.
DeleteThank you for your response! I'm also feel something wrong with this gallery, the space looks so weird and I need to pay for a caviar (and different quests food), it sound not good.
DeleteNever pay for gallery services. If the gallery is legit then they are choosing you because you are a good fit for their clients buy list and they will recoup any costs on selling the work. As I said previously on this page, if you write up what happened so that others can learn from it, I'll gladly post your write up on this site. I will also post the art work of any artist who needs a FREE forum to have their work seen. Feel free to contact me directly at:
DeleteGood, thank you for the help!
DeleteHello! I still want to find my gallery and one of them is Monat Art Gallery in Spain, they offer an international presentation of four paintings on different platforms, instagram, physical presentation in the gallery, group exhibition, participation in the fair, price 1000 euros, commission 30% of sales. Please tell me if all these services justify the price? Is it worth it?
ReplyDeleteI can't stress enough, that if the gallery is charging you, the artist, for showing your work that they are not legitimate. No reputable gallery charges the artist up front for services. The whole premise of a gallery is that they sell your work. That is how they make their money. Anything else is just trying to rip the artist off. Consider this. If they are charging you, then what is their motivation to sell your work? They've already made their money from you. The result is the art sits on the walls for a month or so and that's it. The motivation is in allowing the gallery to sell your work for profit that you will both make.
DeleteThank you for your response! If the artist starts to cooperate with the good legal gallery, only needs the enter into a contract and start to work or how looks this cooperation?
DeleteThat depends on the requirements of the gallery. A reputable gallery will always want to see more of your work and how it will match their client base. They'll also give you feedback on your work, both pros and cons. They will never just have you sign a contract sight unseen. When it comes to signing a contract, make sure you look at the little details. A lot of artists just look at the percentage the gallery is taking from your sales. But what are you getting in exchange? Do they put together a show for you? What are the shipping costs if you have to ship your work and do they incur any of the cost for shipping to the gallery or shipping to the buyer? How long do they keep your work in gallery as opposed to just on a website? If they are taking 10 pieces of your work, are all 10 on display? Or are only a couple of pieces on display and the rest shown only on the galleries website only?
DeleteThere are a lot of fine details that you should at least be aware of before signing. A good gallery manager is someone who is on your side. They will do everything they can to obtain your work because it matches their client base and they will make more money. A gallery that takes your work without ever looking at it or commenting on the specifics of it, should raise a red flag.
Can confirm. They wanted 1000 euro, plus pay for own shipping and I'm sure there's more to add to the cost that they wont reveal until later. Walk away.
DeleteThank you for writing about Monat Gallery. I was already suspicious when they wrote to me out of the blue. Won't bother responding to them.
DeleteI was contacted by Monat gallery as well . Normally I delete all these requests but this gallery named certain works I have . And I did write them back saying I can’t afford money sucking fairs . They write back and says to try their digital platform that promised to be seen at a Paris art fair and then at their gallery . It’s really hard when you can’t get to the gallery to see. I even contacted a few of the artists that they represent to see how they liked working with this gallery and no one got back to me . Is this definitely a vanity gallery ?
DeleteI am an artist from Russia.
ReplyDeleteA month ago I received an email from the MONAT Gallery (Madrid)
I was offered to participate in a group exhibition with the possibility of sale. I paid 500 euros for this, signed a contract and have to send them two artworks. But now I fear that this is a scam.
It is almost always a scam when they want you to pay for their services. I am not aware of that Gallery but a quick look at reviews for it brought this up. Sounds like these people are really scamming. I'm sorry my friend. Wish I had better news.
500? We got quoted 1000. They are a scam.
DeleteI just received a proposal packet 2 art fairs 1000 euro, packet 4 four art fairs 2000 euro, plus Artsy Artsper plus group exposition. The fee In advance and 30% provision plus shipping cost half of the amount. Max five works, plus digital. At first a mai we spot your work an if you are interested we will offer you collaboration to represent your work. We can discuss the information by Teams when you have questions or a little doubt. I' m afraid it's scam indeed. Pity.
DeleteNever forget the prime rule "If they want money up front, they are almost always a scam"!
DeleteI just got an email. I figured I couldn't believe it, so I started researching it. I didn't like how it was too generalized.
Gizem Çulha
Dear Theo Cavi,
I'm Gizem Culha, Project Coordinator of ITSLIQUID Group. We have visited your website and we are very interested in showing your artworks, during our next exhibitions:
BARCELONA CONTEMPORARY 2021, international exhibition of photography, painting, video art, installation/sculpture and performance art, that will be held in Barcelona, at Valid World Hall Gallery from September 03 - 23, 2021. Extended deadline for applications is August 08,2021
LONDON CONTEMPORARY 2021, international exhibition of photography, painting, video art, installation/sculpture and performance art, that will be held in London, at THE LINE Contemporary Art Space from September 09 - October 01, 2021. Extended deadline for applications is August 08,2021
To confirm your participation please:
- read terms and conditions on the official website of BARCELONA CONTEMPORARY 2021 and LONDON CONTEMPORARY 2021
- send us a proposal about the artworks you would like to present (with names, dimensions, technique - you may show as many works as you want, including existing and new ones)
The application proposal is completely free. If selected, there is a participation fee related to the number and dimensions of the artworks selected. The fee covers the venues’ renting, the global and local press office, the design and the printing of invitation cards, posters, the realization of the exhibition website and dedicated articles, mounting, dismounting and packaging service, opening organization and ceremony, hostess service and collaborators during the whole festival.
All artists, architects and designers interested in taking part in our shows are free to be sponsored and supported by institutions, organizations, private sponsors and their delegates; the logos of the sponsors will be included in all the communication (digital and printed) of the events. If you are planning to visit our locations, feel free to contact us by email at or by phone at +39.3387574098 and we will set up a meeting.
Additionally, don't miss the opportunity to take part in our online contests:
ITSLIQUID International Contest - 10th Edition - Deadline: September 09, 2021
ARTIST OF THE YEAR 2021 - Extended deadline: August 31, 2021
ARTIST OF THE MONTH - AUGUST 2021. Deadline: August 31, 2021
PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE MONTH - AUGUST 2021. Deadline: August 31, 2021
Looking forward to hearing your response, we are at disposal to provide you with more detailed information.
Best regards,
Gizem Culha
Project Coordinator
Arch. Luca Curci
mobile: +39.3387574098
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33
70122 Bari (Italy)
Calle Larga San Marco, 374
30124 Venezia (Italy)
COVID-19 important information
During this challenging time of COVID-19, we will do our best to guarantee the exhibition dates.
In case of future stronger restrictions, according to the international governments' decisions, we will move the exhibitions' dates or the artists will have the chance to move the participation to another ITSLIQUID exhibition in one of our galleries and locations. In the meantime your artworks will be safe and sound in our galleries. Additionally we will focus the attention on the selected artists, featuring their works with our audience and sharing interviews and articles through social media and email marketing services.
Everything has changed, not our passion. Art will never stop. Stay safe, stay strong.
ReplyDeleteNumerous emails for exhibitions in Zurich or Miami. Seems a little suspicious and over the top at what they offer. Jenny Rose from Artbox/projects or Artbox/gallery.
Sarah, look at the address at the bottom of their pages. I can't even get an address to show for them. They have a train station listed for the address as far as I can tell. No matter how I check it, I get nothing back except the city of Zugg and train station locations. That tells us a lot about their validity. The address will always tell us tons about the organization but its the thing that people rarely investigate.
DeleteZug is a tax haven city in Switzerland, so a lot of companies are registered there.
DeleteI stupidly submitted two paintings for the recent artbox project in Zurich at 75 CHF a piece.
The idea is that they select „finalists“ who get to exhibit their pieces in the exhibition, (in fact I suspect they just have „their people“ set for the exhibition). ALL (and I mean all) runners up who have paid to submit their work (like stupid me) get their work projected on a screen for about three seconds during the exhibition.
The show was last weekend. The real artwork on display was mediocre at best and I suspected strongly they are gypsies that have their crew of real time artists hawking their works in real time (not „selected“). All other idiots like me are the real money generators because they had NOT curated the artworks (some of them really badly photographed and submitted by phone) that were being projected on screens for 3 seconds each. There were literally thousands of images being fired out and each one for 3 seconds at 75 CHF each? They filled the place with all the people standing around waiting for their art to come up on screen , so it looked like a full exhibition. They had a bar so could make money on drinks too.
They must have made a killing. Great scam! They are extremely organized.
Thomson gallery is at the same address as ARTBOXY : and strangely they are in Partnership with ARTBOXY. This Thomson gallery website looks very fake: it doesn't show any artworks the same photo's are shown over and over.. my guess it is just a smart way to make money because not many artist will search for reviews before paying fees to online so called galleries
DeleteAwesome! (not) I was just contacted by them lol
DeleteHi, I have been contacted insistinly by a Gallery called 'Flyer Art Gallery' who proposes me to exhibit my work or in New York or at Rome-Florence for a participation fee of 550 euros (they say before that the shipping of the artworks from Rome to New York is completely free). His personal name is Floriano Massera, I was checking the instagram of the gallery, there are some of them with the same name (flyer art gallery) which is already suspicious, and the gallery where they want to exhibit the artworks in Manhattan also seems weird. He was instisting too much to me by email and by instagram and I have read comments in internet warning because they are a SCAM.
ReplyDeleteThat's a new one. I've not heard anything in the Flyer gallery. Let me do some checking on it for you. If you'd like to forward anything you've gotten from them, feel free to do so. My email is
DeleteI'll post after I've looked them over.ú
Have you found out any more information about Flyer Art Gallery? A friend of mine seems quite excited to be participating in the New York group exhibition. I took a look at their website and it's just awful. So obviously unprofessional. Thanks
DeleteYeah unfortunately it looks like the Flyer Gallery is a pretty big scam. There are a lot of complaints about how they do business, keeping money without ever providing anything for it and even some vague information about a lawsuit against them for scamming artists. I'd steer clear of them. There is a facebook page set up for complaints also at:
DeleteA check of some of their location addresses shows them to be mostly in multiuse buildings but no evidence of an actual gallery other than having a physical address. I'd love to hear from anyone whose actually been in any of their galleries in various cities. This one is sadly a scam folks.
Thank you!
Deletethank you for that! I was about to compile a small selection of work to send to him. I was responding to a call to artists and they contacted me back. What got me suspicious was the website with dead links.
DeleteSpared me money and a headache.
Thank you so much for providing these insights. I too get annual overtures from Irs Liquid among others and this information is so useful!
ReplyDeleteHi guys, does anybody knows anything about PAKS gallery?
ReplyDeleteI'd be very wary of the PAKS gallery. There are red flags everywhere for them. First thing that stood out on their website is that they try to portray themselves as this glitzy gallery with all these amazing events going on. Yet the only events shown on their front page are several years ago. Second for a prestigious gallery there sure is a lack of info about current art or artists on their page. Its all info promoting them but it promoting the art itself. Third when I run an address search it shows this castle they talk about but it looks like a mail drop location so they get the prestige of the address but have no physical presence at the location. With this many red flags in the few minutes taken to research them, I would say they are nothing more than a vanity gallery and a bad risk for artists.
DeleteI just got an email too from Itsliquid Group and I started researching it and arrived here. Same emails from Giulia and others fake profile and emails and addresses. BE AWARE OF ITSLIQUID GROUP and same
ReplyDeleteWhat about Curator 1340ART Magazine. They don't seems real this people!!?? Thanks B
ReplyDeleteJust got an email from ItsLiquid group. I was initially very excited until I came across this page. The deadline is today and they just emailed me yesterday and referred to two specific artworks on my website. Really a professional organizer should never contact someone that close to the deadline. It seems they are a real gallery but they take advantage of people and make them pay more than they should. Pass on this offer everyone, you will have better and more legit opportunities that will be worth your art. Stay safe!
ReplyDeleteHello everyone, I must say thank you for shared views on Its Liquid. I also got an email two days ago. Thank God! I am yet to pay the organisation the requested fee. Please if you know any legit independent international art fair which is free, do share. We all want to explore other art spaces. Thank you
ReplyDeleteThank you Grey Cross Studios for making all the information available. I've just received an email confirmation from Boomer Gallery for their ICON open call. The only thing I found vague in the submission guidelines was that it gave me the impression that I would have the opportunity to exhibit more than just 3 artworks. Two of my Augmented Reality prints were chosen for the 7 day exhibition and immediately after, I received a PayPal invoice for £165,00 with a minimum due date of 2 days. In South Africa this is the same fee I pay for an artist alley booth at an art Fair where I can exhibit much more than 2 prints. In any case I should know better than to fall for a vanity gallery like Boomer/Brick Lane. All the best. Benjamin Mitchley
ReplyDeleteJust received an email from Itsliquid. Was already suspicious when I read that there was a fee involved. Thanks for confirming that they're a scam!
ReplyDeleteAlso just received an email offering to exhibit in Venice. It looks a scam all together. Thanks for this web page.
ReplyDeleteHello, I am writing about it'sliquid. I did an exhibition with them last year in London. It was a beautiful location. I paid for it as you know. But they were very kind and helped me with the shipment. I found this exhibition useful for my CV. You can refuse to pay if you don't want to pay for an exhibition, what is the problem? They do what they primise: the exhibition and the advertisement. Maybe they gain thanks to our money and not through the sell but at the end they do what we need: they rend a place, organize everything for exhibitions in important cities. If you want to rent a place for your personal exhibition you would pay more than their fee and probably you would see less people during your exhibition. I won't do it again now because I need something different for my career but I cannot judge them in that manner, as scum. That's my though.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately it’s not really useful for your CV as people know about these places and consider it a vanity gallery - and don’t hold it in high esteem
DeleteI too just received a message from Itsliquid. I am always suspicious when there's a fee involved. Thank you for Grey Cross Studio for posting these scams. We artists work so hard and these scammers need to be exposed.
ReplyDeleteYea this site provides valuable service to artists. I did get suckered by Boomer Gallery in London. And I was considering submitting to It's Liquid but I found this site and was disabused of that notion! Keep up the good work. If you have to pay someone to put you in a show it's probably a scam.
ReplyDeleteReceived an email to exhibit with Monat Gallery in Spain anyone heard of them?
ReplyDeleteYes I am wondering about Monday Madrid. They are promising exhibitions in Innsbruck and Madrid.
DeleteI'm not finding any information on Monday Madrid. Is that the official name?
DeleteAnyone have info on WOC? World of Crete?
ReplyDeleteYes, i just exhibited with Count Thomas Maes Art. They charged quite a bit of money to exhibit your artwork online and were quite professional but sold nothing of mine.
DeleteA very bad experience. A lot of effort and money for a poor quality performance. It is not about the art, the artist, but is purely an end in itself to polish up one's own image as a brand. Representative agreements with the artist are neither qualitatively nor quantitatively fulfilled. There is no response to requests for clarification once payment has been made.
DeleteI just got and Invite to WOC world of Crete; anyone has info on them or comments?
ReplyDeleteThanks for this site and info! I just heard from the ITSLIQUID group, and felt that it was shady, and this confirms it. I wanted to reply to them with a single word: ITSASCAM, but instead sent it to the spam folder. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteI ve been contacted by ITSLIQUID group a few times and eventually responded to them that I am not interested and they look suspicious. Update: they honed the game and now actually include the name of the artwork that they "interested "to exhibit. They are getting better at scam. I was recently in Venice and saw the exhibition by the group. Yes, they display the artwork in a beautiful,old places. But the quality of work was all over the place. It was hung in big room, in tiny hallways.It seemed to me that there is no selection or even cohesive topic of exhibition. I did approach somebody inside and ask if the artworks for sale and some other questions, it seemed to me that she was startled,ruther than trying to sell or engaged with me. Anyway, I can confirm that the Venice show exist, but I would not feel comfortable to show with them, specially at their prices. Did not see one visitor. I was there in September 2022
ReplyDeleteCan confirm, I've just been contacted today by ITSLIQUID and they included the name of my artworks they were allegedly interested in. Other than the dates and title of the exhibition, the information in the email is word-for-word of someone else posted above. In my case, the Project Co-ordinator's name is Erica Chiapponi with an @gmail address! . Other comments have dealt with Project Coordinator Sofia Rastelli, Benedetta Reale, Giulia Tassi, Gizem Culha and who knows how many others. The Director is Luca Curci, which seems constant with everyone else's information posted. I don't know how much they charge for an exhibition but to apply for their "art competitions" starts at 50 Euro!
DeleteI have been contacted by PAKS and Monat, both of whom are mentioned above, as well as many other online-only galleries and publishers (who I will not mention) that want to print your work in a book, for a fee. If you are suspicious I would suggest researching and emailing other artists who have exhibited with them in the past and ask for their experiences. Those artist responses have saved me a lot of money. Really glad I've come across this site. -Jess
Hi, have you heard of Focus Art Fair? Are they legit ?
ReplyDeleteI've not heard about this group yet. From everything I've seen they've only been in existence a year or so. I see no evidence of them having any shows before 2022 so the info (other than official press releases) is scarce. A couple things concern me. One is there is some scattered evidence they are directly involved with mainland China still. This may be nothing, or may be a concern. I guess only time will tell. The second area of of concern is their corporate address. For an organization that purports to be doing huge shows all over the world the fact that they are leasing space in a building in Paris in a short term office rental raises red flags as to both the legitimacy and stability of the company. Third and last is that the curator, HongLee also runs a sideline agency representation business called Artsper. Which leads me to question whether he is using Focus Art Fairs merely as a recruiting organization for Artsper. But the Artsper website doesn't look like an agency. It looks like any of a thousand sites that sell art online. This is not a valid Agent representing artists, but merely a storefront which makes money off what the artists sell on the site. That seems to me...misleading and makes me question all of their organizations. But with that said, I cannot find any direct complaints against Focus. This may be because they are a valid art group, or because they are so new there hasn't been time for them to rip enough people off. I'd rate this one a cautious yellow. I would entertain working with them, but send no money and send no art that they cannot guarantee in writing you will get back after the fair. Let me know how it goes.
DeleteI would avoid focus art fair. Done a fair with them and a lot of us artists felt scammed. They don't help you promote albeit that being in the contract. There weren't any catalogue albeit promised one too.They are always on the look out for new artists to join them. So this is definitely a RED.
DeleteI’m so glad I decided to do some digging into ItsLiquid - they seemed kinda hinky to me…. Does anyone have any experience with Exhibizones? They do online exhibitions and claim to do promotion. They’re hounding me and want $90 up front- um no I don’t think so.
ReplyDeleteI’m so happy I decided to do some digging into ItsLiquid - they just seemed sorta hinky to me. I’m curious to see if anyone has had experience with - they do online exhibitions and claim to do promotions. They’re hounding me and want $90 to be in their exhibit- ummm no.
ReplyDeleteSorry for duplicating comments….
ReplyDeleteHi, thankyou for putting together this amazing resource! Also wanted to know if you’ve heard anything about Exhibizone - the online virtual exhibitions?
ReplyDeleteExhibizone is a decent site for artists to exhibit. The benefits are that they don't charge for contests and exhibitions. And they have some interesting tools for artists such as their Venue booking service and certificates program. Their interface seems clean and relatively simple. The drawbacks are that the site is relatively unknown in comparison to other artist display sites, so you'll be more or less on your own to generate interest around your work. The one thing I don't like is that its hard to get to an artists work. There is no outward customers site, at least that I could find. Perhaps once you sign up and get some stuff submitted it becomes easier, but I have to look at it from the viewpoint of a visitor who wants to view the art. If you can't find it easily or browse it, there is a problem. I'd say this site is a low risk as to getting ripped off, but that you have to weigh whether you are going to get enough benefits from it, compared to larger sites that generate larger audiences.
DeleteExhibizone will charge you when they ‘select’ you. Submission is free. If you want the prize, or join the exhibition, you have to pay.
DeleteHi, I have just been contacted by Its Liquid, luckily i have stumbled on to this article. thank you for this.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this a had experience with raw artist group and recently have reached out by its liquid group.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone been contacted by artboxy?? I have no experience showing my art elsewhere 🙃
ReplyDeleteThanks to all for the great info and discussion. I also got accepted to Boomer Gallery, and when they mentioned the £165 fee, I got suspicious and did a search, which led me here. So I will decline that one. Being new to submitting to galleries, I noticed many/most ask for a small submission fee (usually about $10 per piece) just to have them look at your work, which I thought was strange. Is this a legit gallery practice? If so, that can add up with very quickly. If not, I'll stay away from any fees.
ReplyDeleteI have seen some very serious warnings for Boomer Gallery and I am equally withdrawing from my current collaboration with them for this exhibition Walking with Giants.
ReplyDeleteGreat information!!! Much appreciated. I too was accepted by Boomer Gallery. My girlfriend is all excited and wants to fly to the show and get a hotel room. I decided to put my detective hat on today and found this site. All I can say is “RED LIGHT”!!!!! I’ve read to many bad comments about Boomer. I’m withdrawing. Thank you everywhere commented. So valuable! This is a wonderful website! Keep up the great work.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your help alerting artists to the myriad scams (which in my case appear to be all based in Italy), as artists work so hard and most of us have been at it our entire lives and have struggled with poverty due to our force commitments to our work! Luckily and miraculously for me it’s paying off now due to my epic international exhibition recent history all with completely reputable and renowned curators and publications but I constantly get hounded by ItsLiquid and countless others and because I’m new to the NFT market I’ve already been massively approached for myriad scammers especially prevalent and even on LinkedIn I’d like to share all the names of every predatory venue and scammer names if possible. I’d also like to share my very detailed complaint to ItsLiquid if you will let me because it is potentially a good form letter that I’d be happy to let others use that may help vulnerable artists who fall victim to these egregious scammer’s unfortunately pervasive and propagating viscously throughout the contemporary and international are world at large. Please feel free to visit my website or Google Camille Ross Photography for more information and please note that I’ve been lucky enough to have had solo and group exhibitions in prestigious actual museums in both America and in Italy and I know from experience that not only do they not charge you, The Museum Of Fine Art in New Mexico not only invited me to have a solo exhibition, they paid for the framing and did all the installation themselves!
ReplyDeleteHere’s an email I just sent it ItsLiquid anyone can use its content to create their own if needed. Anyone can contact me ItsLiquid et al
ReplyDeleteArtist’s in America and elsewhere are Sickened by your Predatory business practices! Your well known Vanity Exhibition’s are what we serious, renowned, critically acclaimed, respected and established artist’s refer to with your group and countless other’s unfortunately exclusively based in Italy are infamous Pay To Play venues, where your “Art curatorial” group prey on American’s and other “wealthy” countries are not only an offensive and exploitative organization(s) they, in which case you are an embarrassment to the art world at large and having your venue on any artist’s CV, because you are widely known as predatory “Art” exhibition venues only devalues and discredits serious artist’s, and only seeks to benefit your wallet as you are charging egregious fees to exhibit art in your “solo exhibition” venues claiming to be of historical relevance and even more despicably, your completely false representation of who you really are by substituting the reality of your venue as being of critical importance in the international art market! Your group and countless other’s across Italy are nothing more than absurd, disrespecting, exploitative , business practices disguising yourselves as respectable “Art Exhibitors” designed specifically to indulge an artist’s desire for recognition while raping our finances! What’s worse is that artists who are new to international exhibiting are particularly vulnerable to venues such as yours, now thankfully widely known thanks to Google and word of mouth throughout the art world. Luckily in my case, because I’ve been hounded by not only your company because that’s what you are and what you are not is a respectable curatorial group designing important exhibitions for serious, internationally recognized and exhibiting artists like myself! What’s worse is that you send out these mass “Your Solo Exhibition In Rome” emails to Everyone therefore it’s painfully obvious that you have no specific interest or investment with my Art in particular, instead your email campaigns are targeting Specifically for anyone who will again pay you an obscene amount of money to exhibit with you then later having to remove your venue from our CV’s because again, the art world’s knowledge of your exhibition opportunities are considered to be nothing more than vanity exhibitions and even having your name attached to let’s say my resume would be an embarrassment to my numerous prestigious exhibitions in recognized Art Museums throughout America and even in Italy so even if you paid me to exhibit with ItsLiquid, you would not only have to pay for All of my exhibition costs including museum quality framing, installation and international shipping costs, you would even have to pay for my travel to Italy, my airfare, hotel and restaurant fees, which is Exactly what any genuine museum in America and even in Italy already does, and even after all of this including my printing and general exhibition costs, which can be as high as $15,000.00 for a standard solo exhibition, which I know because I’ve had many, then after all these costs, my time and energy spent and additional exhibition fees, which can be ample, I’d simply have to remove your “Art” venues name from my CV because no respectable artist and subsequent gallery or curator will want to be associated with your name, again because you are known worldwide for your predatory business modality and who would want to have this associated with their existing and highly accomplished CV? Thank you for thinking of me, but please don’t contact me again unless it’s with utter transparency and apologies for trying to exploit myself and countless other Artist’s who’ve worked incredibly hard for our hard earned success and recognition on the platform as a recognized, international artist in the Art community at large.
Camille Ross
About ItsLiquid, with a very very heavy heart I'm writing this review as I actually happen to work for them. I'm a new intern at this company and they not only exploit artists but their own employees as well. They hire numerous interns from any field whatsoever, and make them work more than 40 hours a week without paying for months. I'm a master's graduate in Art curation and also an expat, so I was also very desperate to land a job after my graduation and they offered the internship within 2 days of my application, without asking for any interviews or documents. After joining their office, I immediately started noticing all the malpractices, the way they treat artists. And by they, I mean Luca and his girlfriend Giulia, everyone else under them are extremely caring and genuine people who go out of their ways to make it a better experience. However it shouldn't be like this. I desperately need this even just for experience, but I hope their business dies out sooner rather than later. My deepest apologies to all the artists that fell prey to this company!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment. My heart breaks to read what you've gone through. It kills me that any organization should be so corrupt. But your comment will help others both artists and art employees to steer clear of filth like this. Please let me know how it goes and thanks again for sharing.
DeleteThank you for this list!!!! So glad that I found this. I get occasional scam emails and ItsLiquid is the most recent. It is so helpful to find out more about these "businesses". Thank you to all who participate here!
ReplyDeleteI got a similar email from VAN GOGH gallery in Madrid. They had the audacity to ask for whopping 1200 euros to exhibit only 2 physical pieces in Paris Contemporary Art Fair lol and 1 piece in their gallery in Madrid. Thank god I did thorough research and found out it is not normal to do this. I want to make a post on Instagram so that people are aware of these scammers. I even asked my family to help me because that price is like double my rent here in Bruxelles. They were ready to help me but I came to my senses now. I was also thinking to apply for Boomer art gallery for their "Why you do it" exhibition but I was like "let's see if they are also a vanity gallery" and well...I ended up on this thread. But they are bringing this big art critic Tabish Khan, so I am wondering why would an art critic visit this kind of gallery.
ReplyDeleteHi, Ive also had the same offer from Van Gogh gallery in Madrid. same costs. Was considering it, assumed it was normal to pay vosts to exhibit. You live and learn. I need to find legit ways to exhibit and show at art fairs
DeleteItsliquid Group in a fucking Scam!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy experience actually happened in 2021
I have a friend 60+ year old friend who wants the best for me. She paid for me to get into this show as an act of kindness. I was moved by the act because she was sincere. After she told me what she did the same day. I did some researched and found out it was a scam and asked them for a refund the same day, to which they refused. I went because I was not going ro allow all that money to go to waste. The experience was horrid.
1st. They broke the frames frames to my pieces and said nothing for all most two months. They only told me the day before the show that it was broken and wanted to convince me to show the pieces on PAPER without frame.
2nd. The staff is rude and could not care any less about the artworks.
3rd. There is NO marketing, no promoting, NO global and local press office, publicity, press, banners, totem, etc., no audience of any kind for this show and absolutely NO SALE! The only people who attend the show are the staff and the artists. No one else.
4th. There is NO assisting with customs formalities, international shipping and local transport. NO assisting in finding accommodation
I was just "accepted" into the New Artists show at Boomer Gallery. They selected two of my three submitted works and immediately invoiced me for the same 165 euros. I would actually pay the fee if I could find any evidence that they are a legitimate gallery with questionable business practices. If it's purely a scam, thats another thing.
ReplyDeleteHonestly said, i feel so many scam in this art market, whatever in high art, low art, auction, art dealer, gallery....they all ask about money, and i have join some before, i just can said, pay money not a problem, if you can pay, but do not pay too much to buy your name on CV, and see how much money to pay and play this art game, this is a game, i think some now famous artist they have play this game when they are not infamous, if you have read art market book, you know as famous artist need more society, communication and opportunity, and i feel so many scam in Italy so need be careful, i just got ItsLiquid invite, they ask me fee EUR 200 for small painting, i think i need thinkging again, not about the fee, i just worry investment not worth
ReplyDeleteThank you for all the info. I was targeted very recently by itsliquid group for Venice International Art Fair 2024 and they did mention 2 of my paintings. They sent a submission and registration form . They mentioned they won’t take any commission on sold work and then the following page is a payment option but they never mention what it would cost so you have no idea. In the past few years I was also approached by Vanity galleries such as Galeria Azur, Brick Lane Gallery and Mads, tricky world to navigate indeed.. I have ignored them since and will do the same with itsliquidgroup.
ReplyDeleteThis site is invaluable! I'm an American artist who was just invited by ItsLiquid to the Venice International Exhibition 2024 to begin 1 month after the invitation. I called them in Italy . Fee quoted was 200 Euros for 1 painting. When I balked a bit, the "curator" told me she would get back to me (albeit a little reluctantly) with names of paintings on my website they would be interested in. She had thrown out one name to me. So far no email with the promised content. In addition one is supposed to pay all shipping costs to and from the "gallery" in Venice and there is no say in how paintings are exhibited. No responsibility for damage to artworks or "lost "artworks. Heartfelt thanks for your research on this "gallery". You are a guardian angel for us artists!
ReplyDeleteHi there, The ItsLiquid "gallery" purports to be a "palace" it is actually a Hostel with one room with a large easel to put a painting on, note the 'a' it also claims to be a 'garden centre'. There are I admit some dead plants in pots scattered about the back yard. I have written this before on another site about 5 years ago. Mr Curci said I would receive a vist from the Police, our local Police person rides around our village on his bicycle, we occasionally have a laugh about it.
ReplyDeleteThere is a program on the BBC called 'Make it to Market' watching that will help any artist or maker. Galleries are always looking for new artists contact your local ones and ask if you can bring some work in and more importantly explain that you need some advice. They love that and are only too keen to give it.
DON'T BE SCARED 99% of galleries are nice.
Cheers - J
Thank you for this, just got targeted by ITSLIQUID! They emailed me today (January 26th) at 2am and expected a submission by the end of the day. I was almost fooled because the people listed in the email had legitimate LinkedIn profiles, but I guess they are just real people working for a real scam. A tip off was also how they said nothing specific about my work or mentioned any specific piece/series they wanted to show. Here's the full email:
ReplyDeleteI'm Ekaterina Solopova, Project Coordinator of ITSLIQUID Group. Your website caught my attention, I was truly impressed by your creativity and skill and I would like to present your work during our next exhibition VENICE INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR - 19th edition which will be held in Venice from January to March 2024, in one of the most well-known palaces from the 16th century, Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello, and in other prestigious historical buildings.
We are now selecting artists for:
- FUTURE LANDSCAPES from February 16 to March 01, 2024
Deadline for applications is January 26, 2024 (11.59 PM your local time)
Please present any artwork which you think would be suitable for the exhibition.
The application proposal is completely free and there is a participation fee related to the number and dimensions of the artworks selected. Once we get the details of the artwork you'd like to participate in, we'll let you know your dedicated fee defined by the selected artwork.
All artists, architects, and designers interested in taking part in our shows are also free to be sponsored and supported by institutions, organizations, private sponsors, and their delegates; the logos of the sponsors will be included in all the communication (digital and printed) of the events.
To send us your application proposal please:
- read the terms and conditions on the official website of VENICE INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR - 19th edition
- send us the details of the artwork you would like to present (photos, dimensions, and technique)
- send us all info and details about you (your curriculum, biography, your statement)
If you are interested in organizing your solo exhibition in Venice, Rome, or London, we'll be glad to give you the necessary information about our locations and services.
Looking forward to your response, we are available to provide you with more detailed information.
Best regards,
Ekaterina Solopova
Project Coordinator
Arch. Luca Curci
mobile: +39.3387574098
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33
70122 Bari (Italy)
Campo Santi Filippo e Giacomo, 4341
30122 Venezia (Italy)
Grimandi art gallery? Any experiences?
ReplyDeleteTook me a few minutes to figure out Grimandi. On the surface they look fine, but when we dig deeper, they definitely are a Vanity Gallery. There up front fee doesn't say you even have a chance of getting in to exhibit with them. If you count the number of exhibitors they list, its exactly 12. So they keep their exhibitors to a number where they can realistically do one show yearly, per exhibitor. Thats in keeping with their claim that all their exhibitors get a yearly show. But it also limits the chances of ever actually getting to be one of those 12. They are requiring their fee up front, which definitely put them into the Vanity Gallery category. Also, if you look at the 12 exhibitors, there is no uniform theme. There are abstract painters, portraitists, landscape artists. But there is no commonality to them. I'd steer clear of this one.
DeleteReading about all these websites and scams, I am almost sure that WOC (World of Crete) and the person writing on their behalf, looking for artists for various events, operate on the same principles. I tried to find them on Google and they seem to be great events, but only 9 opinions, one of which is that they are frauds. I didn't even download the files from the email they sent me to read the rules of participation, but it's probably like the rest of the scammers described here.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone heard of the top 100 by pitturiaamo ?
ReplyDelete they are asking 100 Euros per artist they have (had) a gallery in London. Here is their Companies House listing page
ReplyDeleteWhere you will find two Gazette entries about their compulsary dissolution and the confiscation of all their property.
Such is life
Has anyone heard of Ikonica art gallery? Thank you
ReplyDeleteI'd be cautious with Ikonica. A simple address lookup for Via Nicola Antonio Porpora, 16/A, 20131 Milano MI, Italy, doesn't even show a gallery at that spot. It shows a hotel. Which means its either a mail drop location or they run their business out of a hotel room. Either way it raises red flags immediately. Second red flag is that they are in Milano, which is a hotbed for artists scams. It sounds professional to be located there, but inevitably ends up being a way to scam extra cash from artists. I'd be cautious of this one and if they tell you to send money for anything, I'd stop all communications with them.
DeleteEverything about Its Liquid screams bullshit, from their constant spam emails to their weak communication. Putting ten tons of shit online doesn't make you a reputable gallery. It makes you a marketing company that shows never-ending uncurated shows that have piss-poor sales and costs you a ton of time, resources, and money. I was in contact with them for a minute because It looked interesting from their web presence.
ReplyDeleteHowever, their email communication needs more personal care. I was speaking with Giulia Tassi. Throughout the very few messages and weeks of waiting for a reply, it could be noted that she didn't care about talking with me. I did some digging on the fair right from the start because everything about the website, email communication, and online presence screamed that we wanted your money first and that your art would be the second act. You pay to have your art hung in a Pallazo in Venice. You'll need to fly to Venice, book a place to stay in Venice and man the show to greet potential customers. Look at all these costs; it doesn't make sense. No, you do not have to fly to Venice, but then, if you don't, who the hell is going to sell your work? The blue sky?
Serious people who want to sell your art don't run these business models. This is the cattle call of the art world. Don't get sucked into the lure of mystical Venice. From what I can determine, this is nothing more than them looking to put as much money in their pockets as possible. Possibly, you can get something out of attending the fair, but I bet you, a unicorn, can find a better way to spend $2500.
Hello I was emailed by someone from ARTBOXY about having my art in sn online exhibition in Paris for free. Are they legitimate?
ReplyDeleteHello all,
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to inform you that we've encountered a person with dishonest intentions who may have already contacted you via Instagram or directly. The Instagram accounts in question are "Julio Noriega", "redtreeartgallery" or "redtree.art3," which offer exhibitions abroad and also use the name of the QIAF organization ( Qatar Imternational Art Festival). We've already received feedback from several artists who were dissatisfied with how things were handled by red tree:
- Everything had to be paid for in advance without any payment confirmation or invoice (it was unclear whether payment was made to a company, organization, or individual)
- Paintings were transported in a rolled-up state and unprofessionally stretched on-site
- Damaged paintings were not addressed, or if the edge was damaged, the painting was reduced in size by stretching it on a smaller frame
- The amount paid upfront only covered the exhibition, additional charges were later imposed, for example, for stretching onto the canvas (if this was not paid, the paintings were not exhibited), or transportation to the event
- Organisation of the exhibitions was not clear (artists were required to help out for example print their information and painting details)
-Noriega promises an exhibitions with “VIP’s and diplomats” and uses the name of Qatar’s art festival to promote his own scam. All he does is to find a nice space by promising people that they will have the honor to become ambassadors and part of the Qatar Art Festival and when people fall for it, he uses that person to find the place, organize the exhibition, pay for the drinks and appetizers and he doesn’t do any promotion or anything besides putting pictures in his instagram. Not paid promo no nothing. On top of that, he does not place any info of the paintings, and since most people are not able to be at the exhibition physically, he gets away with pictures pretending there is more people than there were ever in the place.
When someone complaints, they get removed immediately from any chat and you also get blocked from his social media “platform” so you can’t speak to the rest of the people.
At the beginning he will be very charming but once you pay him, you are in for a rude surprise.
During the exhibitions he will ask for extra money to make frames or prints and he will make all kind of excuses to milk the artist even further .
There is no existing company, no contact, no nothing. Payments are made by bank transfer through someone else’s account in the USA, even though this guy is Peruvian and lives in Argentina or Uruguay. Facebook comments are off and if you say something about his scam you are out of sight.
Please be cautious and do not join his organization “Redtree” “redtree.art3
Thank you, and have a nice day.
Hello, any experience with Exhibizone? I was selected and they ask for a 39 USD fee and that you can sell your art through the online exhibition. Also stating that there is an online and print-on-demand catalogue, but couldn't find such thing.
ReplyDeleteHallo, heeft iemand ervaring met Monat Gallery uit Madrid? Hoor graag!
Iemand ervaring met Monat Gallery uit Madrid? - Sanne
ReplyDeleteI was contacted by Thomson Gallery in Switzerland 🙄 but they asked me to submit the artwork (that they say they want to have it as part of the upcoming exhibition) through Artboxy. And that means paying a $50/ month membership fee! Why? Obviously, I am very sceptic regarding their true intentions…
ReplyDeleteMonat gallery in Madrid charge artists 12000euros to show at Innsbruck and Madrid for 5works and a year's contract. This is a vanity project.
ReplyDeleteI was disappointed with my experience at Abartium Collection - Galeria de arte in Calldetenes, Barcelona. After responding to their open call for the "Collective Contemporary 2023" exhibition and paying the associated fees (exhibition, delivery, and transportation), I was unable to sell any of my work